здоровая щитовидная железа

Healthy thyroid gland

Working with psychosomatic causes of thyroid diseases
Guaranteed Improved Well-Being
Without medications and surgery

Healthy thyroid gland

Working with psychosomatic causes of thyroid diseases
Guaranteed Improved Well-Being
Without medications and surgery

Telephone: +46763942950

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We cure diseases

For those who want

Uniqueness of the approach

  • Get rid of the disease

    This is probably the most important thing you can achieve. It will require cooperation with specialists and trust in the methods

  • Working with the subconscious

    We find and remove the root cause of the disease from the psyche, which leads to improved thyroid function and hormonal balance

  • Understand the causes of the disease

    All illnesses do not come by chance, and you understand that it is time to reconsider your life and your outlook on it.

  • Support from specialists

    Specialists provide individual support to each patient, and group and independent work is also provided.

  • Improve the quality of life

    The disease limits you, takes away your beauty and lightness, makes your emotional background unstable, which prevents you from living a happy life.

  • Guaranteed improvements

    We do not guarantee a complete recovery, but in a period of 1 to 3 months you will receive measurable and tangible results.
Tilda Publishing
For those who want
  • Get rid of the disease

    This is probably the most important thing you can achieve. It will require cooperation with specialists and trust in the methods

  • Understand the causes of the disease

    All illnesses do not come by chance, and you understand that it is time to reconsider your life and your outlook on it.

  • Improve the quality of life

    The disease limits you, takes away your beauty and lightness, makes your emotional background unstable, which prevents you from living a happy life.

Tilda Publishing
Uniqueness of the approach
  • Working with the subconscious

    We find and remove the root cause of the disease from the psyche, which leads to improved thyroid function and hormonal balance

  • Support from specialists

    Specialists provide individual support to each patient, and group and independent work is also provided.

  • Guaranteed improvements

    We do not guarantee a complete recovery, but in a period of 1 to 3 months you will receive measurable and tangible results.

Our methods
  • Psychocorrection
    Working with the psyche. Creating new attitudes to affirm positive thinking. Creating a mindset for recovery and a happy life
  • Psychosynthesis
    Deep processing of psychological traumas and destructive ideas that generate the autoimmune process. Getting out of their control and influence on the body
  • Psychohygiene
    A method for maintaining psychological stability, stress resistance and preventing unstable emotional background
  • Homeopathy
    Treatment with individually selected drugs based on the principles of holistic medicine
  • Rehabilitation
    Consolidation of results. Training in independent work with the psyche. Meditations and relaxation


  • Improving physical condition
    Stabilization of the thyroid gland. We guarantee improved health with your assistance and compliance with all our recommendations
  • Regression of symptoms
    Relief or complete regression of symptoms. You will also be able to partially or completely get rid of the use of drugs
  • Stabilization of the immune system
    The autoimmune process becomes less aggressive due to your understanding of the cause of this aggression and eliminating it from the inner world.
  • Improving the emotional background
    You will learn to control your emotions, acquire healthy habits and a stable psychological state that will help strengthen your immune system.
  • Disease prevention training
    Specialists will give you skills to work with your psyche, and you will be able to improve your health as much as the duration and stage of the disease allows.
  • Psychological stability
    You will get rid of blocks and become a more confident person. Improve relationships with loved ones and be able to control emotions

Excessive stress of a modern person becomes the main destabilizing factor that leads to the development of the disease, and later to exacerbations and relapses.

Stabilization of the emotional background and increased resistance to stress is one of the keys to slowing down the development of the disease and even to stable remission.

With active participation and implementation of our simple tasks, you will feel relief and improvement immediately. For the first positive shifts in well-being, we will need about 1-2 months of intensive work.

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"Psychology and Health Center"
Telephone: +46763942950
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